Labels:book | bulletin board | earth | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: "Adobe Photoshop TM" Starting with v2.5 Adobe has taken special measures to cater tc image processing work requiring very large amounts of memory. order to deal with dozens (and even hundreds) of megabytes efficiently, they have found 11 necessary to depart from much of the normal Mac application methodology of memory management. This can circumvent some of the dynamic memory OptiMization whiclOptiMem offers an application. (Photoshop v2.0 however, seems to be very Mac -normal its memory management and use withOptiMem. In particular with Photoshop v2 memory which is no longer used after closing document not released until later. after other operations are performed So when Photoshop 2.5 isOptiMized, it does start out in a small partition and it grows dynamically as you open documents But i ...